Archive 2016

A great week!

Published at April 24, 2016 ·  2 min read

A great week! Hey! I had a pretty awesome time this week. I had three tests, and two of those three went very well. The other was pretty bad, but it probably won’t be a hugely big deal. I have readjusted my schedule for next semester so that I am pushing the Technical Communications class back a semester to bring Thermodynamics forward one semester. Reason being, second semester sophomore year is listed as taking Solids 1, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics all at the same time....

2 Weeks to go!

Published at April 17, 2016 ·  2 min read

2 Weeks to go! Hey, all! I had a pretty awesome week. I had not tests at all, so I was able to keep up with homework much more easily than normal, and even had a little bit of free time this weekend, which was much needed. I spent my time catching up on the Menuhin Competition, which is an international violin competition for people under the age of 22. It is split into two categories, 16-22 and 15-....

Awesome Weather!

Published at April 10, 2016 ·  4 min read

Awesome Weather! It has been so nice here! Warm and with blue skies every day! The grass is green again, and I hear birds in the morning when I wake up. Homework also has not been as stressful this week. I was able to play disk golf with Adrian (one of the other guys who was in the Leadership Essentials class through IV last semester) and Amanda on Friday. It was only the 3rd time I have gone, but I had a blast!...

Statics is hard

Published at April 3, 2016 ·  2 min read

Statics is hard See title. Between yesterday and today I have spent 8.5 hours working on my Statics homework, which is 12 problems. There are 2 I have not even started yet, and that is working with a group of 3, not just by myself. Jeesh. A few weeks ago, there were a couple of guys that came to our school handing out little pocket Bibles. Amanda and I invited them to join us at our prayer meeting, which lined up very nicely timing wise with their visit, and one of them came and joined us!...

Fwd: RA Application Update

Published at February 25, 2016 ·  3 min read

Fwd: RA Application Update Here are the details! I got the job, and the other RA on my floor is Ryan, my current RA. Hannah is an RA on the floor below, Chaz is an RA on the floor above, and Thomas is an RA somewhere else in Palmerton as well! This is going to be AWESOME! Unrelated, I got to have the single best conversation since I got on campus today....

Welcome back?

Published at February 15, 2016 ·  2 min read

This last week was really, really stressful. I had several tests, including an absolutely brutal chemistry test, on which I did not do very well at all. I really need to step up my game in that class. However, the weekend made up for it many, many times over. I was able to see Eva Hall’s performance in the All State Orchestra performance in Fort Collins, saw my family and cousins back in Woodland Park, and then had a great Valentine’s day to top it all off....

So much to do!

Published at February 5, 2016 ·  6 min read

So much to do! Overall this week has been great. Truly, I had a great time. We are playing the 5th movement of the Dvorak Serenade for Strings in orchestra, which is a ton of fun for the basses, though perhaps a bit on the high side of the skill level for the rest of the orchestra. Mrs. S seems pretty set on doing it though, so hooray! I am sure it will sound great by the end of the year, even if it is a little sketchy right now....

Week 2

Published at January 24, 2016 ·  3 min read

Week 2 Jeesh, this semester is going so much more slowly than the last one. I cannot believe that this is just the second week down. Wow. All my classes still seem fine, though! I had CSC lab for the first time last Tuesday, which turns out to be my first class taught by a TA. I actually already knew him from orchestra (he is a violinist) and the class itself doesn’t seem to be very difficult as of yet, so I think it will alright....

One week down!

Published at January 15, 2016 ·  8 min read

One week down! Hello again! This was my first week of the second semester, and I think I will have a great year! I have a very full schedule, but I think it will be just fine. I think for now I will just give a quick rundown of what my classes seem like this time around! There is still one teacher I have not met yet, the teacher of the Chem lab, but that will come in a couple weeks....


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