2 Weeks to go!

2 Weeks to go!

Hey, all! I had a pretty awesome week.  I had not tests at all, so I was able to keep up with homework much more easily than normal, and even had a little bit of free time this weekend, which was much needed.  I spent my time catching up on the Menuhin Competition, which is an international violin competition for people under the age of 22.  It is split into two categories, 16-22 and 15-.  It is absolutely incredible to watch the Junior competition and see these extraordinary kids performing better than I could ever dream to accomplish.  This is the recording of Yesong Sophie Lee, the winner of the junior section, at her final performance for the competition.  The piece that is more melodic and recognizable starts at 9:15.  I cannot believe that she is only 12 years old.  This finals for the senior competition are probably going to be released tomorrow morning.  

The rest of my free time I spent playing a new video game I found that has completely expanded my perception of what has been done in a game.  I have been dreaming of either finding or helping to create a game like this for a few years now, and to find it completely on accident has been so awesome.  It is like a combination of philosophy and puzzles and exploration and art… so, pretty much perfect.  I have never been so impressed with a game in my life.

I have a lot of tests coming up this week!  I am not too worried about most of them, though.  Physics and Computer Science and Calc should be fine.  Statics is a little worrying, but I put a lot of hours into it this last week, so I think I should be good.

Hope all is well with you! -Christopher 


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