A great week!

A great week!

Hey! I had a pretty awesome time this week.  I had three tests, and two of those three went very well.  The other was pretty bad, but it probably won’t be a hugely big deal.  I have readjusted my schedule for next semester so that I am pushing the Technical Communications class back a semester to bring Thermodynamics forward one semester.  Reason being, second semester sophomore year is listed as taking Solids 1, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics all at the same time.  That doesn’t sound fun at all to me, though, so I am going to spread it out a little bit.

The Human Powered Vehicle team is at competition right now!  I did not go, because taking that time out of the last two weeks seems really, very unwise.  The rest of the senior design teams had their presentations this week, so I took some scattered pictures of the coolest ones, you can see attached.  

Orchestra concert this week!  Went extraordinarily well.  We have never played as well as during the concert itself, which is a feeling I don’t know if I have ever experienced before.  The violas were even on point!  

A paintbrush I ordered for little detail pieces I have been wanting to try has arrived!  I would send a picture but the bristles are quite literally so small that my camera refuses to focus on them.  This paintbrush is the painting equivalent of my .3mm pencil that I love so much.  So small.  I won’t be using that until summer, though.

I have been working on a lot of projects and a lot of homework and a lot of studying, but I only have one more week of school and then one week of finals to go!  I will be doing a lot of packing this week to get ready to go home.  I am going to be home this coming weekend to see the senior play at MacLaren and drop off the majority of my stuff back at home.  Overall, my life is going quite well, but I am definitely looking forward to having some time to relax and just sleep and read this summer.



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